Felix Stalder is Associate Director of Probe, the think thank of the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology. Besides that he is currently working at the University of Toronto on a Ph.D. thesis on the culture of computer networks focusing on the dynamics of electronic money. Before moving to Toronto he was involved in independent, art-oriented media activities in Switzerland. He likes feedback: stalder@fis.utoronto.ca

Digital Identities - Patterns in Information Flows

Notes & Links

Bateson, Gregory (1972). Steps to an Ecology of Mind. New York: Ballentine Books

Berger, Peter L. (1963). Invitation to sociology: a humanistic perspective. New York: Doubleday.

Clarke, Roger (1997). Chip-Based ID: Promise and Peril. Invited Address to a Workshop on 'Identity cards, with or without microprocessors: Efficiency versus confidentiality', at the International Conference on Privacy, Montreal, 23-26 September 1997 http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/DV/IDCards97.html

Clarke, Roger (1996). Privacy in Smart Card Applications in The Retail Financial Sector. Paper prepared for the Centre for Electronic Commerce, Monash University and The Australian Commission For The Future http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/DV/ACFF.html

Dawkins, Richard (1976) The selfish gene. New York: Oxford University Press

Dery, Mark (1994) Hacking Barbie's Voice Box:'Vengeance is Mine!' New Media magazine, "Technoculture" column, May '94 http://www.levity.com/markdery/barbie.html

Zemon Davis, Natalie (1983). The Return of Martin Guerre. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press


Luther Blisset http://www.lutherblissett.net

THE BARBIE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION http://www.mse.berkeley.edu/staff/eve/barbie.html, http://rtmark.com/ppblo.html

Silberman, Steve (1996) Boy 'Bimbos' Too Much for Game-Maker Maxis. Wired News (3.12.) http://www.wired.com/news/news/culture/story/775.html

Email Interview with ®tmark by Joab Jackson http://www.charm.net/~joabj/notes/rmint.htm

Adbusters http://www.adbusters.org/home/

Ray Johnson http://www.artpool.hu/Ray/RJ_links.html

®TMark http://rtmark.com/ .

®TMark's campaign against eToys at some of these sources:

CNN: http://www.cnn.com/1999/TECH/computing/12/21/etoys.attack.idg/index.htm
ZDNet: http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2408451,00.html
New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/library/financial/columns/123099internet-adcol.html
NPR: http://www.npr.org/ramfiles/wesat/19991218.wesat.12.ram
Bloomberg: http://rtmark.com/more/articles/etoybloomberg19991230.html
Wall St. Journal: http://rtmark.com/more/articles/etoywsj20000127.html
A.P.: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20000126/tc/etoys_settles_1.html
ABC TV: http://abcnews.go.com/wire/Business/ap20000126_1183.html




Alan Sondheim sondheim@panix.com

Alan Sondheim is a writer, teacher, videomaker, and cyberspace theorist who comoderates four email lists, Cybermind, Fiction-of-Philosophy, Cyberculture, and E-conf (electronic conferencing), on the Internet. The first is devoted to the psychology/ philosophy of cyberspace. For the past several years, Sondheim has been working on numerous webpages and a long Internet Text, a continuous meditation on the philosophy and psychology of cyberspace. Parts of this have been published in online and off-line venues, including Nettime's Readme (Autonomedia, http://www.autonomedia.org).

In 1996, Sondheim edited Being On Line, Net Subjectivity, for Lusitania Press, guest-edited an issue of Art Papers on Future Culture, and edited issue #120 of New Observations on Cultures of Cyberspace. His other books include Individuals: Post-Movement Art in America (Dutton, 1977) and Disorders of the Real (Station Hill, 1988). His current project, the Internet Text, is available on the World Wide Web. Sondheim has a book of avatar writings, Nikuko, forthcoming from Cris Cheek; a text on the philosophy of the virtual, The Case of the Real, has been published by Potes and Poets; and Jennifer, a collection of some of his on-line texts, has been produced as a limited edition by the Nominative Press Collective. A large collection of his work is scheduled for 2001 from Potes and Poets.

Internet Text at http://www.anu.edu.au/english/internet_txt
Partial at http://lists.village.virginia.edu/~spoons/internet_txt.html
Trace Projects at http://trace.ntu.ac.uk/writers/sondheim/index.htm
Lost Project at http://trac.ntu.ac.uk/lost

avatar, az magyarul avatára: ind, vall, Visnu külso megtestesülése (Scriptum, Anyanyelvi könyvespolc, Idegen szavak szótára) Avatára: szó szerint leszállás (ava és tri), az isteni lényeknek emberi vagy állati alakban nyilvánuló újraszületésére használt muszó az ind hitlegetanban. Eredete buddhista fogalmakra vezetheto vissza, de a gyozedelmes brahmanizmus is átvette. Az istenségek a megváltó módjára emberi alakban a földre jönnek a gonosz uralmának megszüntetéséért küzdeni. Legismertebbek Visnu tiz megtestesülése, továbbá Siva és Ganesa inkarnációi. (Pallas nagy lexikona) http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/egyeb/lexikon/pallas/html/008/pc000882.html
patita-pávana-hetu tomára avatára ámmá-va-i jagate patita nahi ára "Azért szálltál alá, hogy felszabadítsd a elesett lelkeket. Biztosíthatunk ebben a világban nincsenek elesettebb lelkek mint mi!" (Jamadagni Adhikari das: Sanátana Gosvámi élete) http://www.nexus.hu/jamadagni/sanatana.htm
A hinduk Visnunak tiz emberré lételét (avatára, leszállás) ismerik... (NAGY KÉPES VILÁGTÖRTÉNET) http://www.mek.iif.hu/porta/szint/tarsad/tortenel/europa/marcali/html/01/01r04f16.htm
Például a Bhágavata Puránában (9.10.20) azt találjuk, hogy az isteni avatára, Rámacandra meghódította Rávana királyságát, Lankát... http://www.krisna.hu/szkepszis/ember/ido.htm

anime: http://www.anime.com

Kamishibai, small online "plays" presented at http://otakuworld.com. You download the Kamishibai application, which appears on the screen, as a small puppet theater; and you begin "games" by clicking on a series of titles - each one tells a story through text, sound-effects, music, and limited animation. Anyone can create a Kamishibai and upload it to the Otakuworld site, just like anyone can create a PlayKiss game and publicize it.

The texts "by" Nikuko, for example, are my own; they question identity and author/ity issues, as well as appear to "come to life" apart from me; there is further information at http://www.anu.edu.au/english/internet_txt and at http://trace.ntu.ac.uk/writers/sondheim/index.htm

Kyoko Date, Date Kyoko, created 1996, trans/lated recently into Korea, project of HoriPro (http://www.horipro.co.jp), entertainment/animation, virtual models (http://www.elite-illusion2k.com), Rebecca, Sharon Apple (for example http://www.usagichan.com/AX96Sharon/), virtual idols (see http://www.tcp.com/doi/seiyuu/books/virtual-idol/), anime (see Helen McCarthy & Jonathan Clements, The Erotic Anime Movie Guide, Overlook, 1999), TokyoPop (http://www.tokyopop.com), various distributions - energy in the sound, labor in the specificity of gathering backgrounds and foregrounds; I began losing myself in the midst of the thick otaku fandom, passing through the Otakuworld PlayKiss or Kamishibai sites (see http://otakuworld.com and http://otakuworld.com/shibai/kamifaq.html),